Monthly Archives: novembre 2021

ICON members at the 7th Edition of the International Biennale on Negotiation

Members of IÉSEG’s Center of Excellence on Negotiation (ICON) were recently involved in the organization and moderation of the 7th Edition of the International Biennale on Negotiation conference that took place on the 19th November.

The goal of this international event, that was held online this year,  is to stimulate ideas for new research and practices on negotiation and mediation. It gathered over 120 participants from around the world, for a series of lively discussions from both the panelists and audience to reinforce links between academics and practitioners. Amongst the topics covered in the panel sessions at the conference:

  • Negotiating at work:  new trends in practice
  • Transformation in mediation – And how mediators can foster that
  • Negotiation teaching and training online – challenges and opportunities
  • Language differences and their influence on negotiation outcomes
  • Negotiating within and with the European Union
  • Methods in negotiation research

Professor Jimena Ramirez Marin (ICON) is a member of the conference steering committee and facilitated the session on language differences which also included a presentation from ICON’s Elena Poliakova. Discussions looked at how accents (from non-native speakers) can potentially have a negative impact on negotiation or conflict management when the counterpart is a native speaker; and also the impact of native versus non-native language on negotiation outcomes. These are clearly important topics for people working  in an international/multicultural environment where people speak a multitude of different languages.

Many other members of ICON and other professors from IÉSEG also participated in this international event