Industrial relations at organizational level

By | 1 juillet 2014

Focuses on understanding the impact of the relationship between social partners (management and labor) in their negotiation behavior as well as in the quality of their agreements.

The term industrial relations, describes the quality of the relationship between social partners (Johnson & Johnson, 1989; Walton & McKersie, 1965). This sub-project addresses why and how industrial relations climate is related to the negotiation behavior of social actors by shaping their psychological orientation towards negotiation (Beersma, Hollenbeck, Humphrey, Moon, Conlon, & Ilgen, 2003; Deutsch, 1949).

This is an initial list of topics; however the agenda and research designs will be open to new hires and potential collaboration opportunities with academic partners and companies in the future.

The centre aims to contribute to the recognition of negotiation as an important management and business development skill that is grounded on systematic scientific research.

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