Author Archives: icon

Commercial Relationships in Conflict

In this sub-project, we explore how conflict develops in inter-business interactions and in particular, when it turns into disputes, how the decision-making and the legal functions of the firm interact (Borbély, 2011).

This serves to understand why, in most countries, negotiated dispute resolution (esp. mediation) is not used more often to deal with disputes (Mnookin, 2004).

More broadly, this project looks at principal-agent relationships in negotiation and how behind the table relationships influence negotiation outcomes.

Emotions and Relationships in Negotiation

In this sub-project we attempt to understand the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in negotiation.

According to scholars, in today’s dimension of work, EI is recognized as an important ingredient and as a leadership quality (Chopra and Kanji, 2010; Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee, 2004).

Research has shown that some of emotional intelligence competences are more salient at the negotiation table, and that negotiators practice different conflict management strategies depending on the emotions they experience (Murtezaj, 2013).

This project tends to explore further, through the experiences of high profile leaders, the role of emotional intelligence in leadership, specifically applied to negotiation and conflict situations.

Culture and Communication approaches to relationships in negotiation

Basic relational processes and intercultural negotiation:

The purpose of this subproject is to explore culture and communication influences in Relational Negotiation. Relational Negotiation is choosing strategies, or goal directed behaviors (Weingart, Thompson, Bazerman, & Carroll 1990) suited to develop or affirm long-term connections with the counterpart across the table (Gelfand Raver, Nishii, O´Brien 2006, Ramirez & Brett 2011).

The overall scope of this project is to analyze how relationships influence negotiation processes such as goals, strategy and outcomes. The intercultural piece explores how relationship building at the negotiation table works across cultures and develops the conceptualization of Honor, Face and Dignity cultures (Leung & Cohen, 2011) to reach that goal.

What are ICON’s goals?

Icon aims to build a European-based network of academic institutions, academics, consultants, professionals and organizations from all around the world interested in negotiation.

It aims to promote academic and practitioner exchanges, bridge negotiation research with business reality and develop state-of-the-art pedagogy.

The centre continuously strives towards excellence in negotiation science. To achieve this goal, ICoN facilitates networking and exchange between academics and business professionals to help build connections between research and practice.

In addition, ICON looks to connect talented researchers and to form joint research collaborations with well-established research bodies to deliver world-class specialized negotiation programmes.

ICoN’s Negotiation Philosophy

At ICoN, we define negotiation as an ongoing communication process in which individuals and organizations manage their interdependence in order to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes. From contracts to conflict, negotiation can be used to create, manage and repair all kinds of relationships (work, commercial, etc.).

As such, it is at the heart of all managers’ job and applies to all functions of the organization: management and coordination, sales and purchasing, management of the supply chain, human resources management, etc. It is both a personal skill and a corporate capability, upon which one may take perspectives that range from pragmatic (what is going on at the negotiation table) to strategic (how negotiations impact the organization’s strategy and vice versa).

Developing the necessary skills to create value in organizations and manage conflict effectively in teams as well as making the best out of the diversity becomes essential in the current context of globalization and competition between and within cultures and sectors. Mastering the art and science of negotiation and conflict management participates in enhancing one’s organization and own career.